Boenninghausen’s Repertory in MacRepertory homeopathic software enlisted 436 homeopathic medicines. These are top 10 homeopathic remedies as per total number of rubrics covered from Boenninghausen’s Repertory.
1. sulph. 5772
2. puls. 5406
3. nux-v. 5464
4. phos. 5335
5. bell. 5089
6. rhus-t. 4716
7. sep. 4868
8. calc. 4554
9. lyc. 4388
10. merc. 4517
“Top 10 Homoeopathic Medicines” is interesting.
Dear concerned person,
I am thinking to have a homoeopathic software plz guide me which will be best and simple, though I am not much familiar with computers.