I searched dementia in free version Complete Dynamics 2011 that I downloaded from the Complete Dynamics website. The computer repertory displayed 5 rubrics related to dementia on my desktop.
Complete Dynamics 2011
The first rubric is Mind; consolation; ailments from, agg.; dementia of uterus, in: LIL-T(3). I was amazed to see the phrase “dementia of uterus”. This seems to be an older phrase used in homeopathic books or literature. I tried to find this medical condition – dementia of uterus, but I could not find any reference to it.
Well, I looked up this rubric in original homeopathy books, and found that the phrase used is “uterine dementia” in homeopathic books rather “dementia of uterus”. Uterine dementia represents dementia condition in women associated with uterine complaints and lilium tig is the only homeopathic remedy (homeopathic medicine) mentioned for this symptom in our literature.
As “dementia of uterus” is a misrepresented rubric, I believe this should be corrected as uterine dementia in Complete Dynamics Repertory 2011.
its terrific.